My adventures in blogging on various sites. It may include: Product reviews, book reviews, health information, education, home life.
Showing posts with label writing prompts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing prompts. Show all posts
Friday, July 31, 2015
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
July Writing Prompts

1. If you were a superhero, what would your powers be?
2. What brings joy into your life?
3. Would you ever want to run for political office? Why or why not?
4. July 4th! Here in the US, this is Independence Day. Tell us what independence means to you.
5. Tell us about your July 4th celebration. Don’t forget the pictures!
6. Write about someone who is a hero to you.
7. What does your blogging schedule look like?
8. How do you conserve energy?
9. National Sugar Cookie Day! Do you have a special cookie recipe or a great idea for sugar cookie decorating?
10. Tell us about your favorite organization and why it is important to you.
11. What motivates you?
12. Tell us about five weekend activities you want to try before the summer ends.
13. What is your favorite color? Tell us why you like that color, or show us how it is represented in your home and wardrobe.
14. Share your favorite recipe that includes blueberries. Don’t forget the yummy pictures!
15. What is your favorite writing tool? Do you only use the computer, or do you still love pen and paper?
16. Take a walk this morning, and tell us what you saw.
17. What is the best prank you have ever pulled?
18. What is your favorite fashion accessory right now?
19. Do you love to fly? Where would you fly right now if you could hop in a plane?
20. National Ice Cream Day! It makes sense to celebrate ice cream during the heat of the summer. What is your favorite way to eat ice cream when you need to cool down?
21. Did you dream of traveling to the moon when you were a kid? Tell us your thoughts on the moon and space travel, or if you are in the mood to be extra creative, write a short story about a moon colony.
22. Do you enjoy sewing? Tell us why or why not, and if you do, share your favorite sewing creation.
23. List five things you can do to brighten up someone’s day.
24. What does courage mean to you?
25. What was the hardest part of being a kid?
26. Tell us about someone you wish you could see again.
27. National Parent’s Day! What is the most important lesson you learned from your parents?
28. What are your rules for courteous cell phone use?
29. What are your favorite quotes?
30. How do you balance life, work, family, and fun?
31. What is the best book you read this month?
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Topics for June
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Writing topics for June can be found here by the month, week, or the day.
June is:
- Aquarium Month
- Candy Month
- Dairy Month
- Fight the Filthy Fly Month
- Gay Pride Month
- National Accordion Awareness Month
- National Adopt a Cat Month
- National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
- Rose Month
- Turkey Lovers Month
Weekly Events:
1 Dare Day/ Flip a Coin Day
2 National Bubba Day/National Rocky Road Day
3 Repeat Day (I said "Repeat Day")
4 Applesauce Cake Day/Hug Your Cat Day/Old Maid's Day
5 National Doughnut Day always the first Friday in June/World Environment Day
6 National Gardening Exercise Day/National Trails Day First Saturday in June/National Yo-Yo Day
7 National Chocolate Ice Cream Day/National What Day
8 Best Friends Day/Name Your Poison Day
9 Donald Duck Day/Where do you go when you need solitude?
10 Iced Tea Day/Summer reading time! What books do you plan to read this summer?
11 National Corn on the Cob Day/Summer reading time! What books do you plan to read this summer?
12 Red Rose Day/What is one thing you always splurge on?
13 Sewing Machine Day/Share how a hard experience made you stronger or wiser.
14 Flag Day/What are you looking forward to this summer?
15 Smile Power Day/What is the most important thing you learned from your grandparents?
16 Fresh Veggies Day/What is your first memory?
17 Eat Your Vegetable's Day/What is your first memory?
18 Ramadan/Make a gratitude list.
19 Flip flops or bare feet?
20 When did you learn how to swim?
21 Father's Day/Go Skate Day/Finally Summer Day- Summer Solstice/Does color change your mood?
22 National Chocolate Eclair Day/Does color change your mood?
23 National Columnists Day/National Pink Day/Tell us about something you found
24 Swim a Lap Day/When did you learn how to swim?
25 Log Cabin Day/National Catfish Day/What are your five can’t-miss blogs? Write about them, and share some link love.
26 Beautician's Day/Forgiveness Day/What did you do the summer after high school?
27 Sun Glasses Day/How do you express your creativity?
28 Insurance Awareness Day - Now who do you think invented that!?!/Paul Bunyan Day/Is there someone you need to forgive or something for which you would like forgiveness?
29 Camera Day/Hug Holiday/Waffle Iron Day/What is your favorite thing about social media
30 Meteor Day/Give us a taste of summer – either through a recipe, or a memory or story that expresses summer to you.
- Week 1 Fishing Week
- Week 2 Email Week
1 Dare Day/ Flip a Coin Day
2 National Bubba Day/National Rocky Road Day
3 Repeat Day (I said "Repeat Day")
4 Applesauce Cake Day/Hug Your Cat Day/Old Maid's Day
5 National Doughnut Day always the first Friday in June/World Environment Day
6 National Gardening Exercise Day/National Trails Day First Saturday in June/National Yo-Yo Day
7 National Chocolate Ice Cream Day/National What Day
8 Best Friends Day/Name Your Poison Day
9 Donald Duck Day/Where do you go when you need solitude?
10 Iced Tea Day/Summer reading time! What books do you plan to read this summer?
11 National Corn on the Cob Day/Summer reading time! What books do you plan to read this summer?
12 Red Rose Day/What is one thing you always splurge on?
13 Sewing Machine Day/Share how a hard experience made you stronger or wiser.
14 Flag Day/What are you looking forward to this summer?
15 Smile Power Day/What is the most important thing you learned from your grandparents?
16 Fresh Veggies Day/What is your first memory?
17 Eat Your Vegetable's Day/What is your first memory?
18 Ramadan/Make a gratitude list.
19 Flip flops or bare feet?
20 When did you learn how to swim?
21 Father's Day/Go Skate Day/Finally Summer Day- Summer Solstice/Does color change your mood?
22 National Chocolate Eclair Day/Does color change your mood?
23 National Columnists Day/National Pink Day/Tell us about something you found
24 Swim a Lap Day/When did you learn how to swim?
25 Log Cabin Day/National Catfish Day/What are your five can’t-miss blogs? Write about them, and share some link love.
26 Beautician's Day/Forgiveness Day/What did you do the summer after high school?
27 Sun Glasses Day/How do you express your creativity?
28 Insurance Awareness Day - Now who do you think invented that!?!/Paul Bunyan Day/Is there someone you need to forgive or something for which you would like forgiveness?
29 Camera Day/Hug Holiday/Waffle Iron Day/What is your favorite thing about social media
30 Meteor Day/Give us a taste of summer – either through a recipe, or a memory or story that expresses summer to you.
Friday, May 8, 2015
102 Writing prompts
Dream Fairy, Where Are You?
To remember your dreams better, write a brief note to your Dream Fairy, read it and put it under your pillow. When you wake and write about your dreams in your Journal, add a big thank you to your DF. Then each night thereafter, read the note and return it to its place under your pillow. Write a new note when you feel like its time!
From Nathan Ohren's Dream Journaling e-Workshop
Dear Journal
Your Journal is an ongoing "come-as-you-are" party. When you're bonkers, bothered or bored or need to find your way back to the center, pull out a pen and free write, write, write. Anytime.
To remember your dreams better, write a brief note to your Dream Fairy, read it and put it under your pillow. When you wake and write about your dreams in your Journal, add a big thank you to your DF. Then each night thereafter, read the note and return it to its place under your pillow. Write a new note when you feel like its time!
From Nathan Ohren's Dream Journaling e-Workshop
Dear Journal
Your Journal is an ongoing "come-as-you-are" party. When you're bonkers, bothered or bored or need to find your way back to the center, pull out a pen and free write, write, write. Anytime.
- How you and your best friend met
- The bravest moment of your life
- What makes your parents special
- The experience of overcoming a fear
- The moment your life changed forever
- Why you can succeed in life
- A difficult choice you have made
- A place that is special to you
- The experience of being let down by a friend
- A failure you experienced
- A disappointment you had
- A surprising turn of events you experienced
- Your favorite period of time
- A place you always try to avoid
- If you had power, what you would do with it
- What super power you choose to have
- If you could change someone’s life
- How money matters for your life
- Where would you go hide
- The biggest loss you have experienced
- If you could have a do-over
- Words that stung
- A book that has changed your life
- When you have the desire of running away
- When you have the urge of hiding in a hole
- The proudest moment of your life
- When you were taught a lesson by a child
- Words that prompted hope
- If your dog or cat could talk
- Your favorite time with family
- If you could invent something
- If you could live in a different country
- What the world would be like in 100 years
- If you lived 100 years ago
- The animal you would like to be
- The greatest movie moment
- One thing you would change about the world
- If you could change one thing about yourself
- The type of teacher you want to be
- If you could live anywhere
- A museum you’d like to visit
- If you could become a building
- Something a robot could never do
- An animal that could be in charge of the world
- The greatest discovery
- Your most fortunate day
- Your secret love
- Your secret talent
- The ugliest thing you have seen
- The most beautiful thing you have seen
- An accident which changed everything
- Something you have witnessed
- A right choice
- A wrong choice
- How you would spend a million dollars
- The meaning of color
- If you could start a charity
- Your favorite gift
- A close call
- A secret place
- A hard lesson
- An unexplained event
- Something you can’t resist
- A visitor that you can’t forget
- The longest moment you ever had
- An awkward social moment
- A near death experience
- The hardest news you had to deliver
- A special morning
- A kiss that meant a lot
- Why you will never tell a lie
- When you needed a hug
Thursday, April 30, 2015
May topics To Write About
These are topics for me to write about in the month of May. Of course, I might add more topics before May gets here.
National holidays for the month
- Date Your Mate Month- Foster Care Month
- National Barbecue Month
- National Bike Month
- National Blood Pressure Month
- National Hamburger Month
- National Photograph Month
- National Recommitment Month
- National Salad Month
- Older Americans Month
Topics to write each day
- Are you superstitious?
- Are you a morning person or a night owl?
- When was the last time you did volunteer work?
- Would you be willing to live "off the grid"?
- Cinco de Mayo/What is your favorite Mexican meal?
- How old were you when you got your first computer?
- What slang word or phrase is most overused?
- What was the last book you read?
- Lost Sock Memorial Day/What is your favorite quote?
- Mother's Day/What is the last song to get stuck in your head?
- Eat What you want Day/What would your obituary say?
- If you could ask me one question, and I had to answer you truthfully, what would you want to know?
- If I could create a new flavor of ice cream it would be
- Dance Like A Chicken Day
- National Chocolate chip Day/Do you believe that older Americans are treated with enough respect today?
- Hug A tree Day/wear purple for peace
- Packrat day/What is your favorite type of hamburger or veggie burger?
- visit your relatives day/What is you favorite breakfast food?
- Have you ever performed a random act of kindness?
- Pick Strawberries Day/What scares you?
- Three things you’d do if you weren’t so afraid.
- Buy a musical Instrument Day/What was the biggest mistake you made this week?
- International Jazz Day/Mystery
- National Escargot Day/Ghosts
- Memorial Day/National Missing children's Day
- Sally Ride Day/What's on my mind right now?
- Sun Screen Day/Today, I don't feel like writing because
- National Burger Day/"I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear." ~Joan Didion
- Learn about composting Day/John F. Kennedy's Birthday
- Water a Flower Day/Begin a Journaling entry with: The lies you tell yourself are the hardest to forgive. ~Kim Moss
- World No Tobacco Day/In your Journal, write your name in capital letters in a vertical line down the page. For each letter of your name, write down a positive quality or attribute you possess. Go it for your whole name. Dare ya!
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Things To Write in April
I am planning to write about a certain topic each day in the month of April. Anyone is welcome to write on the same topic each day as well. If you decide to write on a topic please leave me a link to your article in the comments so I can read them as well. It is always good to have a different perspective on things and I like reading what others may have to say.
- April Fool's Day
- National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
- The best part about Spring is
- The Best Thing about a Rainy Day
- How do you celebrate Easter?
- Have you ever been stung by a bee or other insect?
- National No Housework Day
- Create a top ten list of favorite spring activities. your favorite activity should be #1.
- Name yourself Day
- National Siblings Day
- National Garden Month /National Pet Day
- Your favorite movies/D.E.A.R. Day (Drop Everything And Read)
- Your favorite songs/
- Nobody knows that I
- Three things you can't go without/Tax Day
- How do you deal with anger?/Stress Awareness Day
- If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would you live?
- What was your favorite cartoon?/
- When did you feel truly independent for the first time?/Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day
- What would you ask for if a genie granted you three wishes?/National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day
- Who made you feel good this week?
- As a child, who was your favorite relative?/Earth Day
- As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?/Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
- If you could have dinner with anyone currently living, who would it be?/Arbor Day
- 10 games I like/love and why./Save the Frogs Day
- Three things you want in a relationship./Hug a Friend Day
- Three pet peeves./Tell a Story Day
- Your favorite books./National Blueberry Pie Day
- What is your take on Soul mates?/World Wish Day
- Dear Future me/Bugs Bunny Day/Honesty Day
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