31 Days Of Writing Prompts
Feel free to pick and choose which prompts work well for your site.
1. What is something blogging has taught you about yourself?
2. Do you need solitude?
3. Have you ever traveled to a foreign country? What country would you most like to visit?
4. What would you include in a truly epic gift basket?
5. How do you respond to change?
6. What is your dream job?
7. If you could only eat one thing for breakfast for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
8. Are you more like your mother or your father? Or maybe you aren’t like either of them? Tell us why.
9. Do you communicate differently online than you do in person?
10. National S’mores Day! Share your favorite s’mores-inspired recipe.
11. Finish this sentence: Life is to short to…
12. Would you rather read only one book for a year or only watch one television show for a year, and which book or show would you pick?
13. Which cartoon character best represents your personality?
14. What was the last game you played?
15. What special tradition from your childhood have you recreated with your own children?
16. It is time to embrace your funny side. Tell us a funny story or a joke.
17. What does friendship look like in your world? Tell us about your best friend, and what makes her (or him) special.
18. Do you have a favorite recipe from your childhood that you still make today?
19. Would you trade places with a celebrity for a day? If so, who would you choose?
20. Book review time: tell us about a great book you have recently read.
21. What does your favorite song say to you?
22. Do your children still believe in the Tooth Fairy?
23. If your life flashed before your eyes, which three moments do you think you would see?
24. How to you spread kindness?
25. Do you still keep a personal journal? How is it different from your blog, or are the two connected in some way?
26. If you were to describe yourself as a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
27. Share a favorite picture from this summer and a favorite picture from a summer in the past.
28. Does your family have a motto?
29. What is your favorite room in your house?
30. What motivates you?
31. What does “a fresh start” mean to you?