
Showing posts with label topics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label topics. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2016

A good way to your kids to open up

What is a good way to get your kids to open up and start talking? Even better what is a good way to get your kids to start writing? Below you will find a list of some great topics you can print out and put into a jar and let your child pick a topic a day.

*If you could be an animal at the zoo, which animal would you choose? Why?

*If you could make three wishes for tomorrow, what would they be?

*If you could pick where your family will go on their next vacation, where would you pick?

*If you could pick any age to be, what age would you pick? Why?

*If you could be a dog or a cat, which would you pick? Why?

*If you could have any job in the world, what job would you pick?

*If you could stay up all night, what would you do?

*If you could make dinner tomorrow night, what would you make?

*If you could help someone in need, who would it be?

*If you could talk to the President of the United States of America, what would you say?

*If you could buy any book for yourself, which book would you choose?

*If you could travel to outer space, would you go? Why?

*If you could be any age you wanted, what age would you pick and why?

*If you could be famous, what would you like to be famous for?

*If you could choose to do something fun tomorrow, what would you choose to do?

*If you could make the world a more peaceful place, how would you start?

*If you could have lunch with 3 characters from children’s books, who would you pick?

*If you could have a superpower, which power would you like to have?

*If you could be any color, what color would you be? Why?

*If you could be an author or illustrator, which would you choose and why?

*If you could live in Antarctica, would you?

*If you could only buy three things at the grocery store, what items would you choose?

*If you could be a principal, what rules would you change at school?

*If you could be a river or an ocean, which would you rather be? Why?

*If you could interview your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

*If you could play a musical instrument, what instrument would you select?

*If you could be invisible for a day, would you do it?

*If you could be an ice cream flavor, what would it be?

*If you could meet anyone from history, who would you meet and why?

*If you could be a professional in any sport, what would it be?

Friday, July 31, 2015

August 31 Days Of Writing Prompts

31 Days Of Writing Prompts

Feel free to pick and choose which prompts work well for your site.

1. What is something blogging has taught you about yourself?
2. Do you need solitude?
3. Have you ever traveled to a foreign country? What country would you most like to visit?
4. What would you include in a truly epic gift basket?
5. How do you respond to change?
6. What is your dream job?
7. If you could only eat one thing for breakfast for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
8. Are you more like your mother or your father? Or maybe you aren’t like either of them? Tell us why.
9. Do you communicate differently online than you do in person?
10. National S’mores Day! Share your favorite s’mores-inspired recipe.
11. Finish this sentence: Life is to short to…
12. Would you rather read only one book for a year or only watch one television show for a year, and which book or show would you pick?
13. Which cartoon character best represents your personality?
14. What was the last game you played?
15. What special tradition from your childhood have you recreated with your own children?
16. It is time to embrace your funny side. Tell us a funny story or a joke.
17. What does friendship look like in your world? Tell us about your best friend, and what makes her (or him) special.
18. Do you have a favorite recipe from your childhood that you still make today?
19. Would you trade places with a celebrity for a day? If so, who would you choose?
20. Book review time: tell us about a great book you have recently read.
21. What does your favorite song say to you?
22. Do your children still believe in the Tooth Fairy?
23. If your life flashed before your eyes, which three moments do you think you would see?
24. How to you spread kindness?
25. Do you still keep a personal journal? How is it different from your blog, or are the two connected in some way?
26. If you were to describe yourself as a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
27. Share a favorite picture from this summer and a favorite picture from a summer in the past.
28. Does your family have a motto?
29. What is your favorite room in your house?
30. What motivates you?
31. What does “a fresh start” mean to you?

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Things To Write in April

I am planning to write about a certain topic each day in the month of April. Anyone is welcome to write on the same topic each day as well. If you decide to write on a topic please leave me a link to your article in the comments so I can read them as well. It is always good to have a different perspective on things and I like reading what others may have to say.

  1. April Fool's Day 
  2. National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day 
  3. The best part about Spring is 
  4. The Best Thing about a Rainy Day 
  5. How do you celebrate Easter? 
  6. Have you ever been stung by a bee or other insect? 
  7. National No Housework Day 
  8. Create a top ten list of favorite spring activities. your favorite activity should be #1. 
  9. Name yourself Day 
  10. National Siblings Day 
  11. National Garden Month /National Pet Day
  12. Your favorite movies/D.E.A.R. Day (Drop Everything And Read) 
  13. Your favorite songs/
  14. Nobody knows that I
  15. Three things you can't go without/Tax Day
  16. How do you deal with anger?/Stress Awareness Day
  17. If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would you live?
  18. What was your favorite cartoon?/
  19. When did you feel truly independent for the first time?/Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day 
  20. What would you ask for if a genie granted you three wishes?/National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day
  21. Who made you feel good this week? 
  22. As a child, who was your favorite relative?/Earth Day
  23. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?/Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
  24. If you could have dinner with anyone currently living, who would it be?/Arbor Day 
  25. 10 games I like/love and why./Save the Frogs Day
  26. Three things you want in a relationship./Hug a Friend Day
  27. Three pet peeves./Tell a Story Day
  28. Your favorite books./National Blueberry Pie Day
  29. What is your take on Soul mates?/World Wish Day
  30. Dear Future me/Bugs Bunny Day/Honesty Day

Thursday, July 10, 2014


A few months ago while bubbling away Bubblews I came across a post where someone was talking about how she was making extra money on the side just by talking or chatting is how she was referring to it. Well she mentioned the named the Chatabout. Well on Bubblews we are not allowed to leave links to other websites for any reasons so I had to do my own research so I looked it up and of course I signed up. It's a place where you can go and talk about anything and everything until you heart is content. There is so many topics to choose from and if you can't find what you are looking for  then you can make your own topic. You get points for writing. So each time you leave a comment it's a point.

Chatabout has rewards as well. Once you reach a certain amount you can cash in your points for an award. Most awards are rewarded the next day or instantly depending on the reward chosen.

Chatabout has some of the friendliest people on it's site. The admins and the moderators are quick to respond when there is a problem. For the month of July they are given away prizes to active members so make sure to be active every day.