
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Secret Outlast

This product worked wonders. It even had a great smell to it. When I put on my black dress it didn't leave a mark on my dress.

Important Note: I received these products complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Carefree Panty liners from Influenster

It's really nice to be able to get a free product that I can try and give my honest opinion on. I received a free sample of Carefree panty liners from Influenster. I normally don't use products like this but this time around, since they were free I didn't mind trying them.

As you can see from the picture above, it's a really small package, that lets you know how small the product is. It was super thin and not bulky and fat like most pads and panty liners are. I thought this product would cause problems and be irritating, but I hardly noticed that I had one on. It didn't cause any irritations and didn't go up my but and get lost. It stayed in place and did its job. I am glad to have received this for free. 

"I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes."

Friday, April 24, 2015

NuNu Wanted to Look out the Window

I was sitting on my bed close to the window that NuNu normally looks out of working on an article. NuNu jumps on the bed and pushes me out of the way because he wanted to look out of the window. I moved over so he could look out the window. Some guys were across the street mowing the grass. Before I know it, he is pushing me out the way again. He wanted to lay down on my back and he kept putting his head on my shoulder. So I was able to get a few pictures of him laying his head on my shoulder before he went to sleep laying behind me.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Earth Day is April 22

What are you doing for Earth Day which is on April 22? Earth Day is all about saving our planet and learning how to be even more environmental friendly to our Earth. Earth Day is now celebrated in over 192 countries worldwide. It was first celebrated on March 21, 1970, it was later moved to April 22. Many countries actually celebrate Earth week, with an entire weeks worth of activities focused on environmental issues.

Earth Day is about learning how to save the Earth from harm. It is a good time to learn about recycling and going green.

To look for Earth Day events in your here click here.

Image Credit: Globe- Pixabay:

Sunday, April 19, 2015

New Blog On WordPress

I went ahead and set up a new blog using WordPress. I am trying to see which one I like the best. Of course, WordPress is a little harder to use since there are more things to do and use, I find it more of a learning experience. I actually like using the WordPress design better. There are more choices to choose from than here on Blogger. It looks more professional. I still have a lot to learn, but I am ready for that learning process. So I might get to a point and switch all of these posts over to the WordPress blog. Don't worry though because the name is still the same there. I will eventually get my own domain for the site. That would be even nice.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Mythology and gods

 Everyone has heard the stories about the Mythology and the Gods of that time frame. Many believe that they are simply just that a myth. What are the chances of it being true? I personally think there is a high possibility of being true. There is simply too much evidence pointing to it being true than saying it's only a myth. 

What is the link between the superheroes of our time and to that of aliens? From what I have seen and witnessed, that almost every single superhero we have is very similar to the stories that happen years ago. 

Just imagine if Zeus and Hera were real and the stories that we were told are real. Then what happened to them? Did their names just change depending on the religion?

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Things To Write in April

I am planning to write about a certain topic each day in the month of April. Anyone is welcome to write on the same topic each day as well. If you decide to write on a topic please leave me a link to your article in the comments so I can read them as well. It is always good to have a different perspective on things and I like reading what others may have to say.

  1. April Fool's Day 
  2. National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day 
  3. The best part about Spring is 
  4. The Best Thing about a Rainy Day 
  5. How do you celebrate Easter? 
  6. Have you ever been stung by a bee or other insect? 
  7. National No Housework Day 
  8. Create a top ten list of favorite spring activities. your favorite activity should be #1. 
  9. Name yourself Day 
  10. National Siblings Day 
  11. National Garden Month /National Pet Day
  12. Your favorite movies/D.E.A.R. Day (Drop Everything And Read) 
  13. Your favorite songs/
  14. Nobody knows that I
  15. Three things you can't go without/Tax Day
  16. How do you deal with anger?/Stress Awareness Day
  17. If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would you live?
  18. What was your favorite cartoon?/
  19. When did you feel truly independent for the first time?/Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day 
  20. What would you ask for if a genie granted you three wishes?/National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day
  21. Who made you feel good this week? 
  22. As a child, who was your favorite relative?/Earth Day
  23. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?/Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
  24. If you could have dinner with anyone currently living, who would it be?/Arbor Day 
  25. 10 games I like/love and why./Save the Frogs Day
  26. Three things you want in a relationship./Hug a Friend Day
  27. Three pet peeves./Tell a Story Day
  28. Your favorite books./National Blueberry Pie Day
  29. What is your take on Soul mates?/World Wish Day
  30. Dear Future me/Bugs Bunny Day/Honesty Day