
Showing posts with label bias. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bias. Show all posts

Thursday, July 30, 2015


I am in week three of my online English class and this weeks topic is about Audience. When writing a blog or even a paper for that matter, the writer must think about the audience that will be reading that paper or blog. Most blogs already know ahead of time who their audience is or the intended audience is supposed to be. But what happens when a different audience reads your blog? Will it help your blog or hurt it?

What are some things to consider when writing. I know that when I am writing my school papers that my audience is the teacher and my other classmates. So I know what I write should be beneficial to them.

Also when writing a person must be careful and not use bias words. Bias words have a tendency to hurt some blogs/people by the way the article is written. Below is a list of biased and unbiased words. The list of words came from this site here: to an external site.)

chairmanchair, chairperson, head
clergymanmember of the clergy, minister, pastor
Congressmanmember of Congress, legislator, representative
mailmanletter carrier, mail carrier, postal worker
mankindhumankind, humans, people
manpowerPersonnel, staff
policemanpolice officer
stewardessflight attendant
The most important thing to remember is to avoid being racial bias. You never want to stereotype anyone for any reason. This includes blatantly derogatory statements, such as racial slurs because they are unacceptable in any writing.
