
Showing posts with label Don't feel like writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Don't feel like writing. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2015

What's Your Story

I used to be a writer that wrote on a daily basis for a few different sites. Then sites started closing down one by one and it seems so did my love for writing. I am left with one site called Bubblews and, of course, my blogs as well but it's not the same. When the last writing site closed I felt lost and all alone. This feeling has not left and is still lingering around. Will it ever leave? God I hope so. I do miss writing. I miss it with a passion. But now when I write I feel uncertain about what I write. It's like I'm writing something wrong and that it shouldn't be read by others. 

I end up letting my emotions get the best of me both in the real world and also in the world of writing. Why do I allow this to happen? I know it feels better letting it all out instead of leaving it all in. 

I am uncertain of what the future may hold for me or for my blog. I will continue the best that I can.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Today, I don't feel like writing because

Today, I don't feel like writing because I feel like no one is taking the time to read what I have written. If they did read what I wrote it would be nice to see some kind of comment, even if it does say, "hey, I came and read your article." I don't even get that. I take my time to write here on my blogs and as well on World Famous Writers. I wrote one article on WFW and only one person left a comment. I feel like I am wasting my time. I don't even know why I am sticking around. It may never turn into a paying site like it was meant to be. Yes, I am being doubtful now, or I may be being realistic. I don't know. I'm just so frustrated at the moment. I don't want to push my frustration on that writing site and get others scared and defensive. I don't know what to feel anymore. I know I'm tired of being the only one that is trying to make this site work. It doesn't even feel like the owners are trying, at least I don't see much effort on my side of what they are doing. Like I said I am just frustrated. If this site goes down then my writing is going out the window as well. I give up after this. Writing will never be the same. I should have given up a long time ago. 

I love writing for World Famous Writers. I love the owners, they are great people. I even enjoy reading articles from other writers, even if they do talk a little too much about god. These people have feelings too. I think I may be harsh to a couple of them and I am sorry for that.