Have you ever been stung by a bee or other insect? As a child, I have been stung by bees and red wasps alike. Being stung by red wasps has left a mark on me emotionally. Now that I am older, I do everything in my power to make sure that I am never in a predicament to get stung by another wasp and I make sure that my children are safe from harm as well.
Red Wasp |
These nasty insects start making their nests as early as April and they have the "community" type colony. It is never wise to try and get rid of these community insects during the heat of the day.
Red Wasps Nests |
To get rid of wasps it is best to wait until the sun starts going down and the wasps start to return to their nests. Some suggest an aerosol that is specially made for wasps that can reach up to 20 feet when sprayed. You want to have enough distance in between yourself and the wasps in case they decide to attack you.
Make sure the wasps are dead before trying to remove the nest from the location. Remember the queen is usually still in the nest, so you will have to kill her as well. Once you remove the nest and kill the wasp it is always good to prevent them from coming back. This part sounds easier said than done. Wasps are drawn to food and open trash cans. In my defense, I don't ever leave any food out and my garbage can lids are on tightly. Also, make sure these things can't get inside your home. This is where I have a problem. I have noted several openings in my attic area where these wasps can get in at. Trust me it is not fun trying to kill wasps on the inside of my house. I once almost broke my neck trying to get out of the bathtub because there was a wasp flying around in the bathroom.
Don't get stung this year. Be safe!