While on Facebook earlier today I noticed that there is a picture floating around stating that Bubblews has received an 'F' rating from the Califonia Better Bussiness Bureau (BBB). Of course, being the person I am I had to check for myself. Bubblews went from having an 'A-' rating to a flat out 'F'. The BBB is also warning all users to stay away from this site. So far, they have over 78 confirmed complaints with many more still coming in. I personally know of three people that filed today, that were honest users, that never received their money from before November. Arvind has gotten greedy and now he has been caught with his hands in the cookie jar by the BBB. It surprises me that people are still writing and acting like the site has done no wrong. A change is coming and it might not be a good one.

BBB Review of Bubblews