
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

Monday, November 9, 2015


The perceptions of people vary from culture to culture, but so many have the same outcome no matter what. Having been born and raised in a Western country, I can only tell of things that I have seen with my own eyes. I may never experience what someone from another part of the world may experience, unless I open up my heart, open my eyes and my soul and put myself in someone else's shoes.

Westerners have too easy and have no worries about anything. Westerners are spoiled and ungrateful for what they do have. They get offended over the littlest thing. While people in other countries are fighting over land, begging for food, have no clean and fresh water, don't know where they are going to sleep at night. Not knowing if tomorrow will ever come. Children are dying in the streets of Palestine because the Israel special forces are claiming that the children attacked them first, so instead of arresting the children they are shot dead on the spot. Of course, the evidence is planted after killing the innocent.

I'm sorry, but I don't buy into bullshit and no one else should either. The prime minister of Israel, Netanyahu needs to be relieved of his duties and found guilty of war crimes against humanity and the people of Palestine. He is a monster that needs to be stopped.

Every nation in the world, including the United States and Canada, need to open their eyes and their hearts and see Israel for what they really are. If they were God's chosen people, which by the way, they aren't, they wouldn't be acting in this manner at all.

I stand with Palestine!!!!!