
Showing posts with label Frustration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frustration. Show all posts

Saturday, May 30, 2015



Frustration can happen at any time during the day or night to just about anybody. I know I have been frustrated all day today (Saturday). It seems like nothing is going right and is only getting worse. It is never good to let things get to you and make you upset, but things have a way of sneaking up on people and it can cause frustrations to that person. 

So what are some good ways to help prevent from being frustrated? It is good to understand what frustration is before you are able to prevent or correct it. So what is frustration? Frustration is a disappointed feeling, often including expressions of anger in an unhelpful or self-defeating manner. So it is better to look at the situation from a different view or change your perspective about the situation.

Some good ways to cope with frustration are:
  1. Learn what triggers your frustration. Do you get angry when you see something on a bill that shouldn’t be there? Do you get upset when your WiFi gets disconnected when you are in the middle of something? Do certain people make you upset? 
  2. Take deep breaths. Remember to breath and take deep breaths when you start to feel frustrated. I know I tend to count to 10 sometimes to help calm me down.
  3. Find a supportive friend. When the breathing exercise doesn’t work I will talk to someone I can trust that can calm me down. You need a friend that will listen and not judge you for the things you are going through. 
  4. Treat yourself. Take a break from what you are doing and do something special. The treat can be anything from a piece of candy to a day at the spa. Sometimes just going for a walk even helps. 

The way I dealt with my frustration today was to take myself away from what made frustrated in the first place, which was my WiFi. I walked away for a few minutes until things calmed down. Then I wrote about those problems because at the moment I have no to talk to that would listen. :(